Data Feedback Remote Control
Many industrial machinery require remote control devices to display some sort of data. Data Feedback remote controls are able to show on its screen (or using leds) information that allows users to properly manage the machinery.
Itowa has developed a wide range of devices: from pushbuttons to joystick-like equipment suitable for wireless bidirectional communication. These remote controls send information from its transmitter to the receiver and vice versa, transmitting information from the receiver located in the machine to the transmitter using radio frequencies.
Radio remote control sending digital or analogue data
Many machines not only receive orders but also collect information, this information is transmitted to the remote control receiver (by relays, usb ports, fieldbus ports…) which using its radio sends the information to the transmitter. There the operator can easily observe which are the processes happening in the machine.
Case study: Combi RC 14 leds Data Feedback
Recently Itowa has installed Combi devices in a metallurgic plant. These Combis are not only in charge of commanding huge overhead cranes, but also have to display important information collected from these cranes.
The information collected is mainly related to safety parameters and are displayed as red leds at the surface of the Combi. Two of these leds switch on when the two engines of the hoist have surpassed its load limit, two others in the case that the same engines have reached a dangerous temperature; other leds switch on when the engines of the trolley are experiencing the same issues; some others alert the users about access permissions, brakes performance… In the end 14 leds that summarize the information collected by these data feedback remote controls.
LCD Screen Remote control
Not always data is digital and so it has to be displayed using a screen. Another case study of a recent industrial installation by Itowa is a Winner (pushbutton remote control) that commands a welding rotator that helps in the forging of big steel portions. The operator has to be aware, at any time, about the speed of the rotation and the speed of translation which is collected by the receiver and sent back to the transmitter.
This information and some other parameters are displayed on the screen of the radio remote pushbutton. So a complete data feedback remote control can be operated using only one hand safely.